- a pleasant, industrious place by day, but the centre of
illicit activities
in the haunted Romney Marsh by night.
It is the fictional home of the Scarecrow and his band of smugglers; but Dymchurch is real, and really does have a history of smuggling.
Dymchurch Players Panto
Once Upon a Time in Pantoland runs January 17-26th, at the Village Hall.
Syn 2024: Map of the Village
A quick guide to all the locations of events.
Friends of Dymchurch Recreation Ground
Will have a stall . . . on the Recreation Ground.
Saturday August 24th
The Ship
Fully re-furbished and back with cask ales . . . wonder if there's musket-ball holes in the casks?
Unexpected Visitors To Dymchurch?
Paul O'Grady has revealed that he has seen strange lights at 2am above his home in Aldington. (Kent Live, March 25.)
Prompted by the revelations of pop-star Kim Wilde {Is it me or did this story just get weird?}, he realised that they were UFOs.
". . . aliens. We've got 'em in Kent - I'm serious - over Folkestone, Dungeness and Hythe".
"I've seen them, and I'm not the only one - I've got witnesses, so I'm not going out of my mind."
And if they went from Folkestone to Dungeness, they passed the sea wall. Any sightings in Dymchurch?
Or are the Aldington Gang lighting beacons on the knoll again?
Seasonal Addenda
His Christmas thought: "I'd rather do Community Service than sit and write a load of Christmas cards".
Wake Up (Again) Dymchurch!
BBC2 repeated the Dad's Army
episode 'Wake Up, Walmington'.
Saturday 12/09/2020
Dymchurch notched up no less than three references:
- Dymchurch Home Guard Platoon is mentioned not-quite-in-dispatches. And not favourably. (But it is a comedy.)
- Dymchurch Police (without being seen or heard) phone through a report of suspicious characters being seen in the area. Mainwaring and his motley crew were travelling on foot.
- The Six Bells pub is located 'about six miles away, off the Dymchurch Road'. (The A259?)
Walmington-on-Sea is located 'about twenty miles from Dover' and is, obviously, coastal. That puts it between Whitstable and Rye. Not very precise, but near enough to Dymchurch?
The Great Folkestone Banksy Robbery?
Two men (one Kent, one Surrey) were held on suspicion of stealing a Banksy artwork from a derelict building.
Although the picture is thought to be a local artist's copy.
Countryfile - Hampshire
Smugglers in The New Forest.
Wed. 15th June 2016
The BBC featured the re-introduction of pack ponies to the New Forest, at Fordingbridge, in tonight's Countryfile.
Billed 'as used by smugglers', but obviously as used by everyone back in the day.
Not quite as relevant as the episode that featured Dymchurch.
Dymchurch in the News
Monday May 30th
Dymchurch featured in the recovery of a boat used by migrants.
The full story was in the Daily Mirror, amongst others.
Except their printed version read “Dymchurch, Essex” . . .
Should've read my FAQ!
Tuesday May 31st
The story continued with local interviews, and the right county:
The full story is here, sans interviews.